
Die Ausstellung ALTENPFLEGE ist eine Leitveranstaltung im Bereich Pflege, die jährlich stattfindet und abwechselnd in den deutschen Städten Essen und Nürnberg stattfindet. Im Jahr 2024 fand sie vom 23. bis 25. April auf der Messe Essen in Essen, Deutschland, statt. Diese Ausstellung versammelt mehr als 600 Aussteller, die ein breites Spektrum an Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus den Bereichen Behandlung, Pflege, Ernährung, Textil, Küche und Wäsche, Raumausstattung, Gebäudetechnik, Facility Management und Informationstechnologie präsentierten.                                                                                                                     

Ein langjähriger Kunde des Standbauunternehmens  Růžička Promotion s.r.o., die Highclean Group, die diese Ausstellung regelmäßig besucht, hat sich dieses Jahr für einen Stand in Form eines  offenen Pavillons entschieden. Der Stand war sowohl vom Standbau selbst als auch von der Innenausstattung des Standes sehr ansprechend, die mit hängenden Kokedamas und dekorativen Kronleuchtern sehr elegant und eindrucksvoll dekoriert war.
Das beeindruckende Erscheinungsbild des Standes wurde durch Lichtwände, abgehängte Leuchtkästen und einen mit LED-Licht beleuchteten Doppelboden ergänzt. Der Gesamteindruck des Standes war einzigartig und wurde genau nach den Wünschen des Kunden umgesetzt.

Since 2018 Ruzicka Promotion has been a booth-building company at the Bologna Children´s Book Fair for the famous and largest publishing house in the Czech Republic – Albatros Media specializing in children’s literature.

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair which celebrated its 61st edition in 2024 at the foundation of which was the Czech publishing house Albatros Media as one of the seven co-founders, took place from April 8 to April 11 at the Bologna Fiere Exhibition Centre. 

This year´s stand in Bologna was again featured with vivid graphics and attractive designer items like V-shaped info desks, walls imitating parts of the aircraft windows, or signposts pointing to different book departments on the stand.

The Bologna Children´s Book Fair is a leading event in the children’s publishing industry, attracting a wide range of professionals including publishers, authors, illustrators, and agents from around the globe.

The R+T Stuttgart exhibition is a premier global event for roller shutters, doors/gates, and sun protection systems. For companies looking to make a significant impact, securing a stand that attracts attention is crucial. So it was for the company Tecseal, Ruzicka´s regular client since 2016.

After being asked by Tecseal to prepare something unique and fresh for R+T 2024, Ruzicka Promotion decided on a designer stand in a wooden and white decor in combination with artificial greenery. The niche with the abundance of green flowers and decent LED lighting around it made the overall look of the stand very impressive. 

Would you like to read the feedback on the booth design from Tecseal? Visit references on our websites

ISPO is a leading international trade fair for the sports and outdoor industry. The trade fair takes place in Munich, Germany, and it serves as a platform for manufacturers, retailers, and other professionals in the sports and outdoor industry to showcase their products, innovations, and trends.

Following successful cooperation at ISPO Munich 2022, Ruzicka Promotion succeeded again in the realization of a perfect trade fair presentation for a trio of Pakistani companies – Forta Industries, Temposports, Comet Sports who are the leading manufacturers of sportswear and sports equipment in the Sialkot district, Pakistan.

Wir freuen uns sehr, für unseren Kunden erneut einen Stand auf der Spielwarenmesse 2024 realisieren zu dürfen.

Tatsächlich sorgt selbst die “einfachere” Oktanorm-Konstruktion in Kombination mit unserem Fitframe-System und modernen Grafiken für jede Menge Show und Spaß.

Have you been to the IWA OutdoorClassics?

It is an annual trade fair held in Nuremberg, Germany, that focuses on hunting, shooting sports, outdoor equipment, and civilian and official security products. It is one of the largest trade shows of its kind in the world, attracting exhibitors and visitors from all over the globe.

At IWA OutdoorClassics 2023, Ruzicka Promotion became a booth builder for the Croatian body armor manufacturer CROSHIELD which is a leading manufacturer of ballistic vests, body armor plates, and tactical gear in Eastern Europe. CROSHIELD´s biggest client is currently the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. In the future, they hope to expand their business in the US market.

CROSHIELDS´s CEO, Drazen Frkovic, sees the success of his company mainly in an ongoing process of improving details and in maximum focus on satisfying their clients. Frkovic´s words reflect the same corporate philosophy that Ruzicka Promotion has proven itself. This fact could result in a good and long-term partnership between the two companies. 


Mit der Realisierung eines Messestandes auf der Messe Hohejagd 2023 in Salzburg konnten wir unseren Stammkunden Lippejagd erneut erfreuen.

Der Stand wurde auch von anderen Gästen und Zuschauern gelobt.

Unter anderem war es eine sehr schöne Ausstellung mit dem Thema Jagd, Waffen, Ausrüstung.


Have you seen the faces of hopeless and disappointed exhibitors who just arrived at their booth with a clear vision of their stand being finished and ready to be handed over to them? Instead of that they appear in front of their half-finished stand and can see lots of work yet to be done.

Time and staff management is a core skill in a booth-building business. It is of special importance if you set up more stands at once at one exhibition. All stands must be prepared perfectly and on time.

Ruzicka Promotion proved that skill at the Electronica fair 2022 in Munich. The stands to be built were not the easiest and simplest ones but Ruzicka team managed to prepare them without delays and on the agreed time.

If you want to sleep calmly and avoid being in situations full of disappointment just shortly before the start of your exhibition, contact Ruzicka Promotion as your booth builder. You will never feel hopeless.

and provide cosy atmosphere for visitors…

„I would just like to say that we were incredibly happy with the stand again this year. It enabled us to present our company and products perfectly. Our visitors were also enthusiastic about the stand and especially liked the eye- catching carpet colour. In addition, the price, which of course is important for us, was more than fair“.

Chris Riley, Sales & Marketing Executive, Global Laser Ltd

An alternative way of displaying lights and switches

The idea of a Demo Unit serving as a way how to display lights and switches within an exhibition stand during the trade fair Light and Building came from the Dutch-Vietnamese company Freelux, specifically from its owner and the technical director Andries Pasma. 

Ruzicka Promotion, a designer and constructor of exposition stands, was addressed by Freelux to design such a Demo Unit for the Light and Building 2020 spring edition. At that time, neither of the partners could predict that the whole world is in for difficult times.

Nobody could forecast 2-years break and a big stop in the exhibition industry caused by the worldwide pandemic. 

Everything ends someday so do the lockdowns, restrictions, and cancellations of fair trades and exhibitions. 

It is the beginning of autumn, 1st October 2022, and the team of Ruzicka Promotion is successfully handing over the exhibition stand to Andries Pasma, the representative of the Freelux company, one day before the start of the Light and Building 2022. After 2,5 years of the show´s repetitive cancellations, the fair can finally go on. 

We are looking forward to the spring edition of the Light and Building 2024, Frankfurt, Germany. 

Text: Lucie Strnadova